Teachers' good capacity of cooperation in team work in order to identify problems as early as possible and quickly develop individualized measures to recover students showing school disaffection;
a teaching staff engaged in innovative training experiences able to use innovative and student-centered pedagogical approach;
acquisition of a working method based on sharing best practices, ideas, and materials among colleagues within Europe;
enhancement of intercultural competences and improvement of foreign language skills;
use of ICT tools in daily teaching to improve motivation and creative thinking
high level of motivation towards daily work;
a good school atmosphere;
exchange of good practices and cooperation at international level through European projects;
a better understanding of practices, policies, and systems in education trends in European countries;
common use of inclusive methodology based on active teaching and learning;
use of forms of assessment that take into consideration the learning process and the final results ;
good level of students’ motivation;
reduced truancy;
acquisition of basic and foreign language skills;
use of an e-learning platform to share teaching materials;
use of electronic register;
good level of cooperation with families;
strengthened partnership among school, local authorities and stakeholders;
parents' engagement with school education and responsability for children's school attendance
knowledge of a different form of school organization able to keep early school leaving at low level;
knowledge of flexible pathways addressed to students at risk and an evaluation system related to different kinds of activities.